ロン・パールマンのインスタグラム(perlmutations) - 10月7日 04時29分

RG @maria_iodice1: Yeah I know, I said no more sneak peaks but dear god after reading this book a second time it's left me totally in awe of how Ron's life unraveled , it seemed completely mapped out, destined. Even in his darkest moments (and there were many) you can see the bigger picture being revealed. This road God kept nudging Ron back onto had a purpose & the people Ron came into contact with was no coincidence but without a shadow of a doubt were placed strategically throughout his life as a constant reminder that someone, something is looking out for him. And we "his fans" have not only had the pleasure of seeing this great actor on our screens but we get to read this fuckin amazing book!! #easystreet #Ronperlman available in the uk at #whsmiths #waterstone #amazonuk


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