I am not teaching in Amsterdam my lovelies but I am blogging and practicing and drinking tea and biking around the city with Ringo in a basket. Also at this moment reading poetry on Snapchat. It's called #yogagirlpoetry and it's a thingggg. Come listen @rachel_brathen?. Better internet connection and new poem tomorrow. Going to Utrecht. Let's go drink wine together!? Will share when I'm there. I love you all with such force it's almost scary. Someone just sent me a snap that made me cry. It's powerful, this social media. It's crazy and can be vicious and deceiving but if we use it in the right way it's motherfucking incredible. It can make us feel and stir shit up and move mountains if you do it right. So do it right!! Don't scroll past celebrity after celebrity photoshopped into perfection. Don't obsess over models and fitness professionals and people in yoga poses that are only here to feed their own ego. Don't look at Instagram and then at yourself and not feel ok. Don't let a rectangular piece of technology tell you how to feel about who you are. Just don't! Use this shit for GOOD THINGS and be inspired and give yourself a hug and tell people you love them. Share and connect share and connect feel how we are the same we feel the same we hold the same beating beautiful heart and we are all vulnerable and that's a magical thing. I fucking love you. I hope you feel it and that you love you, too. xo. going to bed see you in the morning? #excusemyfrench #but #holyfuckthereissomuchloveicantcontainit #breathe #feel #love #you

yoga_girlさん(@yoga_girl)が投稿した動画 -

レイチェル・ブレイセンのインスタグラム(yoga_girl) - 9月19日 07時09分

I am not teaching in Amsterdam my lovelies but I am blogging and practicing and drinking tea and biking around the city with Ringo in a basket. Also at this moment reading poetry on Snapchat. It's called #yogagirlpoetry and it's a thingggg. Come listen @rachel_brathen?. Better internet connection and new poem tomorrow.
Going to Utrecht. Let's go drink wine together!? Will share when I'm there. I love you all with such force it's almost scary. Someone just sent me a snap that made me cry. It's powerful, this social media. It's crazy and can be vicious and deceiving but if we use it in the right way it's motherfucking incredible. It can make us feel and stir shit up and move mountains if you do it right. So do it right!! Don't scroll past celebrity after celebrity photoshopped into perfection. Don't obsess over models and fitness professionals and people in yoga poses that are only here to feed their own ego. Don't look at Instagram and then at yourself and not feel ok. Don't let a rectangular piece of technology tell you how to feel about who you are. Just don't! Use this shit for GOOD THINGS and be inspired and give yourself a hug and tell people you love them. Share and connect share and connect feel how we are the same we feel the same we hold the same beating beautiful heart and we are all vulnerable and that's a magical thing. I fucking love you. I hope you feel it and that you love you, too. xo. going to bed see you in the morning? #excusemyfrench #but #holyfuckthereissomuchloveicantcontainit #breathe #feel #love #you


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