ジェマ・アトキンソンのインスタグラム(glouiseatkinson) - 8月18日 22時58分

My recent shoot was for Men's Fitness magazine. I was really flattered to be asked to do this as on a personal level it shows how far I have come with my fitness journey. Back when I was glamour modelling I was never allowed to train like I wanted to as those types of magazines didn't want the strong, athletic female look. They wanted the curvy, soft glamour look (rightly so too!) I had a blast with those magazines but when I put that part of my career behind me 5 years ago I was free to change my body as I pleased and feeling strong & healthy has ALWAYS been something I've wanted to achieve. Now I do, and its the best feeling ever! As well as being the face of USA PRO, Having my photos and interviews coming out in one of the leading fitness magazines makes me so happy & so proud! My will power, determination & dedication combined with regular ass kicking from my trainer Olly Foster & supplements from Reflex Nutrition have all played a part in my fitness journey, and you know what the most exciting thing for me is?
This is merely the beginning.... ;)


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