クラウディア・ジョーダンのインスタグラム(claudiajordan) - 8月17日 20時41分

When I say VOTE I just don't mean for President! Every 2 years midterm elections are held where many senators and reps jobs are on the line. Also ISSUES and measures that affect YOUR communities locally. A lot of the issues that affect your day to day President Obama cannot fix! Your mayor, your senators, your state reps are who you need to call to the carpet! In Ferguson- a city that is over 60% black- lost their black mayor to James Knowles but I'm hearing only about 10% of the 67% black residents showed up to vote! Not saying ONLY a black mayor will do right by the residents- but you want representation in local politics especially that represents YOU. The police force is also 94% white policing a city nearly 70% black. So there is a disconnect and a need for diversity. We need leadership that understands who it's governing culturally. Police that are not "intimidated and scared" of a big black kid- and therefore rushing to judge and shoot. So with that said- if you don't vote- you are allowing OTHERS to chose for you. They've been quietly pulling fast ones all across America because they KNOW who will and who WON'T show up to the polls. And don't even get me started on how they've successfully been re-districting making it harder for certain folks/areas to be represented properly! #Vote!


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