クラウディア・ジョーダンのインスタグラム(claudiajordan) - 8月17日 19時59分

This bottom of the barrel scum of the earth opened fire in Arizona shooting congress woman Gabrielle Giffords in the head for which she survived but still has trouble functioning til this day! He also shot a judge-who died as well as a 9 year old girl! 6 people were killed that day and 17 injured- but guess how police handled him? With care! This piece of crap is alive and well in prison getting fed 3 meals a day and probably has cable courtesy of YOU the tax payer!! Was Mike Browns so called "robbery" (with no weapons) a more "aggressive" crime than THIS one?? Smh.... The hypocrisy is mind blowing.... #judticeformikebrown #ferguson


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