コリー・ロバートソンのインスタグラム(bosshogswife) - 7月26日 04時33分

I don't know why I was born to loving parents who made sure all of my needs were met, in a country full of freedom and opportunity and these kids weren't. I do know that there is bad in this world, there is tragedy and heartache and these are children who, just like us, need to know they are loved and to know that God, their Father, has a beautiful place prepared for them. Who also, just like us, need healthy food, clean water, a good job and a happy family someday. I know that beyond just talking about it and thinking about it, God expects us to DO SOMETHING about it. He tells us to go the extra mile, to stop and pick up the Samaritan on the side of the road, to give food to the stranger that knocks on our door, to take care of widows and orphans, and to be the salt and light. I can't fix all of the problems in our world, but I can fix some. I can partner with people that are doing good work, who are on the ground seeing the massive needs first hand. I can provide clothing and books for a child to go to school. I can send money and supplies to medical clinics that tend to people who have never before seen a doctor and desperately need healing for things that we have the medicine to cure. I can get clean water to a community of people who are sick with parasites from drinking infested water because before I did something they didn't have a choice...There is a lot I can do. So can you! #dosomething


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