Art Collective Magazineのインスタグラム(art_collective) - 7月22日 04時09分

Hey guys, @richburnsred_art here. This post has a special significance for myself personally, as this very picture was the piece that inspired me to pick up my pencils and start drawing again. A couple of years ago I read an article on the artist Kelvin Okafor (@kokaforart) in a British newspaper and I just couldn't believe my eyes. It filled me with awe to think that someone had drawn this, that someone had the talent and patience to create this masterpiece. It made me see what was possible to achieve. I then dug out my old art stuff and started sketching away. Shortly after that I joined instagram and a whole new world of inspiration was opened up to me, so many amazing artists and art sharing pages (art collective being one of them). So I thank kelvin for giving me that push, and I know that I won't be alone in feeling that way! He is an amazing artist, and a very humble one at that. If you are not already familiar with his work, check out his page, it is incredible! Yes I know that not everyone is a fan of hyperrealism, but even if it is not your favourite style or you don't understand the reason behind it, you have to respect it! Artists like @kokaforart are incredibly dedicated to their craft and we can all learn a lot from that!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




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