マイケル・マラーキーのインスタグラム(mkmalarkey) - 7月21日 15時11分

Shout out to John Fleming, my first theatre director and mentor who has stepped down tonight from running the Yellow Springs Kids Playhouse. John is a truly visionary director and multi-talented madman who I have had the honour and pleasure of working with on three productions. Two as a kid (one pictured here...yes, I'm afraid that goon in the middle is me) and one much later on when I was 20 years old with the wanderlust. It was a play called The King Stag, a Commedia Dell'arte piece, which was the light in the tunnel that piqued my interest enough to pursue this crazy profession or as I like to put it, follow the white rabbit...and over ten years later I'm still chasing the little bugger. Anyway, I digress. Mad love to you, John. Hell, you helped shape ALL of us into the oddballs we are and we are all better of for it. Enjoy your well earned tranquility, friend!


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