シェマー・ムーアのインスタグラム(shemarfmoore) - 7月12日 07時49分

BABY GIRL of the day....show your LOVE to Michelle Hudimac from Johnstown, PA. a 38 yr old
single mother of 2 boys, who works as a Behavior Specialist Consultant.

HER WORDS....I had my mother ( a huge Shemar fan ) take this pic of me in my baby girl
wear on our road trip to North Carolina. With my Baby Girl gear on & saw
this huge LOVE sign in VA... had to do it. In the part of PA where I'm
from, just east of Pittsburgh, is reportedly the highest rate of MS in
the country. It is believed due to pollution from Pittsburgh setting
over the mountains in our area. Everyone knows someone with MS. I
appreciate all baby boy Shemar is doing to support this cause. Keep up
the good work! :)
~lots of love from Michelle


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