シェマー・ムーアのインスタグラム(shemarfmoore) - 7月9日 00時51分

BABY GIRL of the day!!! Show your love to incredibly SEXY....DEFINATELY SASSY... ORANGE COUNTY BABY GIRL...KAREN DIRKS!!!! THANK YOU FOR LOVIN ON ME and SUPPORTING the cause!!!??? Her words......My name is Karen Dirks, I am 26, an office administrator for a company
in Orange County, and a full-time student at Cal State Long Beach
studying criminal justice :) Love love the loose shirts, I have them in all the colors!!! About to buy a
hat too... Can't wait for more additions to the line! You are amazing as
an actor and wonderful for what you do for your cause! Your mother must
be so proud of you!

My sister has been bugging me to send a pic, since i showed her your fb
shout outs to everyone, so here it is :) Karen Dirks


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