キャサリン(ケンブリッジ公爵夫人)のインスタグラム(hrhtheduchessofcambridge) - 7月10日 06時08分

Hey guys. Just wanted to share this with you all. I was robbed yesterday and the people that robbed me threatened my life. They had a knife and a gun. My iPhone was taken along with my Kate Middleton case. I'm still in shock and keep reliving everything that has happened. I was not hurt physically but I can't say the same, emotionally.
Anyway, I reset my password on this instagram account (hope that suffices) incase they try to play with my account or something.
I am now using my iPad mini to upload stuff from this account. I'm relieved I'm safe now and that the cops are looking into it.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



