キャサリン(ケンブリッジ公爵夫人)のインスタグラム(hrhtheduchessofcambridge) - 7月9日 09時25分

Looks like it's gonna be a very fun engagement for Princes Harry and William at 3:35pm, Wednesday (London time)
The Princes will take part in a Google Hangout, appearing live via webcam from Buckingham Palace and chatting to five young leaders in Commonwealth countries around the world.
A “state of the art social media hub” has been installed in the Palace with the help of Google and Twitter to help the Princes launch the Queen’s Young Leaders Programme.
It includes a “Twitter mirror” - a two-way mirror with a tablet computer behind it – that the Princes are expected to use to take “selfie” pictures of themselves which they will publish on Twitter.
(c) Telegraph


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