シャウナ・コックジーのインスタグラム(shaunacoxsey) - 7月2日 19時48分

Almost 2 years ago to the day I jumped off this boulder problem and broke my leg. I'd missed a hold on my first attempt and it was when I pulled back on to figure out the crux move that I jumped off from the finishing jug and my leg snapped. I remember being sat on the mat hoping the pain would subside and I would get to try it again. It didn't and instead I spent the next hour on my friend Ged's back as he carried me out of the Forrest. (Not an easy task!) Today I finally got to finish it off. Breaking my leg was a blessing in disguise. I learnt so much from the experience and I came out of the other side stronger, fitter and more psyched than ever with a new perspective on the sport. Despite being a little scary coming back to this boulder problem it was also extremely nostalgic. It really made me appreciate how far I have come in the past 2 years. Thank you so much to everyone who has supported me!


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