ケイトリン・ウィーバーのインスタグラム(ka2sh) - 6月24日 05時09分

HAPPY OLYMPIC DAY, everyone! I've been saying I was going to go to the Olympics since before I can remember. But there have been hurdles, sand traps, brick walls, and more thrown in my way. But the drive and passion for what I love has never wavered. Nobody's journey is the same or can be repeated; But if you follow your truest dreams, your path will present itself. Yes, @アンドリュー・ポジェ and I have forged our own way, but it would have been unthinkable without the help of our incredible friends and families that supported, and continue to fuel our crazy ideas. Thanks, mom!:) ..And the friendships I've made along the way? Not enough words in the world for them.

Be the one that stands out, who people think is weird or crazy or too dedicated or has no life. Because to me, it means you're onto something. :) DREAM a size too big so you can grow into it.
Ready? Set... GO.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



