ナターシャ・ヘイスティングスのインスタグラム(natashahastings) - 5月3日 02時27分

Mummy and daddy waited almost 12 years to have another child. I was spoiled rotten and like most kids who have been an only child all their life, I absolutely did not want a sibling. (Most of my friends still say I have only child syndrome?) I remember Mummy was even nervous to tell me she was having a baby. I first laid eyes on you when you were about 5 minutes old! Big sister instincts kicked in right away, and I always felt like I needed to protect you! Ironically enough, some deranged people would even ask if you were my child because you were always with me! I can't believe it's now 16 years since that day! You've grown into such a lovely young man, and even though I sometimes fight with you like I'm your age (making up for lost time as an only child ?) I am so very proud of who you are growing up to be! Happy 16th Birthday Justin!! ?????❤️


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