Your Teaのインスタグラム(yourtea) - 2月3日 18時27分

Part of our donation in January to to the Children's Fortress Africa organisation paid for 10 kids from Kenya to go to highschool for a year. Photographed is one of the girls that will now go to high school in 2014 and below is a paragraph from email correspondence with the organisation. "Thanks soo much for the conversation before & your commitment to help 10 children with high school fees. We are really excited and greatful thank you. Without your donation these very promising children wouldn't have been given the life changing opportunity to break the cycle of poverty through high school education. The average annual tuition fee for high school is $300. With 43% of the population living on just $1.25 AU a day, it means many kids miss out on an education that could break the poverty cycle in their lives....
We really want your customer base to see your big heart. "

Once again we would like to thank all of our customers from the bottom of our hearts for making this donation, and our others, possible ?

Your Tea Team Xx

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