コンラッド・アンカーのインスタグラム(conrad_anker) - 1月7日 16時56分

If climbing a big wall is your idea of fun and you enjoy planning on which route you want to do then Yosemite Big Walls is the book for you. This book project includes route diagrams overlaid to exacting photos, the geologic underpinnings of Yosemite valley and topo maps reflecting the current state of wall climbing - both free and aid. In 376 pages Erik Sloan & Roger Putnam capture the magic of being on a wall.
Here is the hitch. Publishers shy away from micro niche publications - and Yosemite Wall Climbing is not Miley Cyrus - so our community needs to make this happen from within. We can crowd source this!!! We have until the 16th of January! Via mobile tap on the URL on my profile or simply look it up. http://www.fundable.com/yosemite-bigwalls-the-complete-guide. Your psyche is waiting. Feed it!


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