シェイン・ビットニー・クロンのインスタグラム(shanebitneycrone) - 12月3日 06時49分

People often ask if it's difficult to continuously travel, screening #Bridegroom and reliving painful memories. Although there are times I feel anxious about a particular festival, or homesick for Los Angeles, I am truly grateful to be afforded the opportunity to meet wonderful new people. You all have such inspiring stories, about your own lives and how Bridegroom has affected you, and I'm honored to shake hands with each one of you.

I've been able to visit so many places that I've never been before, such as Dallas, where we screened Bridegroom at the historic Texas Theatre--the same place at which Lee Harvey Oswald was captured 50 years ago, nearly to the day, after he assassinated JFK. To share my story in a place riddled with so much American history was a real privilege.

I will forever be touched by the emails, comments, tweets, and Facebook messages I receive daily, but there's something really special about meeting a supporter face-to-face. Thank you to everyone who comes out to screenings; I know some of you drive 5-10 hours, sometimes more, and I do not take your efforts for granted.
Special thanks to everyone who made our most recent screenings possible: The Dallas Independent Volleyball Association, Texas Theatre, Dallas Comic & POP Expo, and Galactic Productions.


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