Phil Heathのインスタグラム(philheath) - 11月5日 22時55分

What a weekend it has been here in Orlando, Florida for the 59th Mr Olympia Weekend. I had a blast watching all of these competitors get after it on stage and witnessing history being made with each division. So many thoughts run through my mind about the heat of competition and seeing these champions provided me a feeling of satisfaction knowing that are bodybuilding community is thriving with people who are truly passionate about their body of work.

I could say more but I would like to simply tell you all that if you haven't yet been to a live Mr Olympia, then you're honestly missing out on some incredible moments which will imprint positivity into your cells like no other. Seeing everyone so focused, so determined makes me smile and will continue to smile my ass into the gym today motivated to uphold even greater standards, physically, mentally and emotionally.

To all the competitors, I love you all.

To all those behind the scenes who make this all possible, I love you all.

And to the fans, I love you all.

I don't love Kai Greene though as he and I won't share that just by design, but we do have love for the game and that's a start haha.

Have an incredible week and I am looking forward in seeing you all next year back in Las Vegas for the 60th Mr Olympia Weekend.



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