ガゴシアン・ギャラリーのインスタグラム(gagosian) - 10月16日 14時41分

“Wave,” a monumental public sculpture by Urs Fischer (@chaosursfischer), is now on view at Place Vendôme in Paris, to coincide with Paris+ par Art Basel (@artbasel)!

At more than seventeen feet tall, “Wave” towers over the viewer and appears caught between formation and disintegration, recalling the sculpture of Barbara Hepworth, a late bronze by Willem de Kooning, the “automatic” processes of Surrealist sculptors, and even a cryptic marker unearthed at some ancient site. It is also consistent with the artist’s fascination with the transformed figure, recalling the dripping wax of his candle sculptures. Imbued with irreverence toward aesthetic tradition, “Wave” is at once abstract and figurative, contemporary and timeless. Follow the link in our bio to learn more.
#UrsFischer #Gagosian
Urs Fischer, “Wave,” 2018, installation video, Place Vendôme, Paris © Urs Fischer


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