WEBSTAのインスタグラム(websta_me) - 11月8日 14時46分

Websta Question 9 is up! Thank you @nesp for your suggestion! -----
For #webstaq9, it's all about memories! Just like @nesp, we'd love to see one of your unforgettable childhood toys! Take it any way you want and we'll feature the most interesting or creative ones on our Tumblr! http://blog.stagram.com
1. Pls take a photo of the actual toy.
2. The photo must be yours.
3. Photos taken before this Websta Question was up are accepted this time!
4. Pls tell us the name of the toy or if you had a name for it! -----
DEADLINE: You'll know it's over when featured photos are up.
Because we've seen other great questions from everyone else, we will feature some of them in the next Websta Questions! -----
Let's begin!


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