WEBSTAのインスタグラム(websta_me) - 11月1日 22時33分

We had to have a miscellaneous category because it seems like 4 categories weren't enough. But again, 5 is not enough either. There were just too many interesting desserts! In this last category, we chose dessert items that some of us might haven't heard of, seen, or tasted.
Congrats to @maryrog @missinuccia @Som Siri @roan_n @shrvn_k @karlamironov @valbr @fanow
Your photos are now featured on our Tumblr blog! http://blog.stagram.com
To see these photos and their captions on the web, please visit our blog.
Congrats to our featured Instagrammers and thanks to everyone who shared a slice of their lives! ;)


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



