Kevin Richardson LionWhisperer のインスタグラム(lionwhisperersa) - 8月24日 22時28分

I’ve learned that understanding how animals behave and getting to know each one personally can help clear up common misconceptions. For example, it’s not always true that staring into an animal’s eyes is a challenge. It really depends on the situation. Sometimes we forget to consider the whole picture and instead treat certain things as the norm.

It’s quite intriguing to observe the duality where, on one hand, there’s a discourse highlighting the sentient nature of creatures like lions, while on the other, a paradox emerges as they are subjected to continual imprisonment under the presumption that they’re content and happy. If indeed these beings possess the depth of sentience that’s often advocated, the moral quandaries arising from such a scenario become increasingly pronounced. I wonder, how can our ethical compasses align with endorsing such a situation?
#moralcompass #foodforthought #lions #happycats
📸 @jackiewildphoto


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