Kyoto's Gion Festival is a month-long festival held from July 1 at Yasaka Shrine. It is held to pray for the exorcism of evil spirits and good health. It is one of the three major festivals in Kyoto and also one of the three major festivals in Japan. The Gion Festival is said to have originated in 869(1150 years ago), when 66 halberds and three portable shrines (3600kg each) were used to worship Ushito emperor, the god of war, in order to quell the plague and evil spirits that were spreading throughout the country. I asked the locals to find a place where I could photograph the entire festival, but was unable to do so. Luckily, I was able to find the desired location at the time.I had originally planned to return to Tokyo that day, but I am glad I changed my plan on short notice when I heard about Omikoshi. During the departure ceremony at Yasaka Shrine, the setting sun suddenly shone down on the Yasaka Shrine from the clouded sky, making it look very divine and mysterious. It was as if God was blessing the event for the first time in four years. I was moved by the fire festival at Nachi, and was again impressed by the traditional Japanese festival and the enthusiasm of the men. 京都の祇園祭は7月1日から1ヶ月かけて行われる八坂神社のお祭りです。厄払いと無病息災を祈願します。京都三大祭りのひとつであり、また日本三大祭りのひとつです。 祇園祭は全国に蔓延した疫病と悪霊を鎮めるため、869年、当時の国の数である66本の矛と神輿3基により牛頭天王を祀って御霊会を行ったのがその起源といわれています。970年から毎年行われ、途中の中断もありますが現在まで続いています。 祭り全体を撮影できる場所を探し地元の方々に聞いてもらいましたが見つかりませんでした。しかし幸運にも当時に望み通りの撮影場所を見つけることができました。本来はその日に東京に戻る予定でしたが、お神輿の事を聞いて急遽プランを変更してよかったです。 八坂神社で出発の儀の際に雲っていた空から突然八坂神社へ目掛けて夕日が差し込みとても神々しく神秘的でした。 四年ぶりに行われた行事を神様が祝福をしているようでした。 那智の火祭りも感動しましたが今回も日本の伝統の祭りと男達の熱気に感動しました。 . . . #hellofrom #kyoto #japan

tokio_kidさん(@tokio_kid)が投稿した動画 -

Berlin Tokyoのインスタグラム(tokio_kid) - 7月23日 21時22分

Kyoto's Gion Festival is a month-long festival held from July 1 at Yasaka Shrine. It is held to pray for the exorcism of evil spirits and good health. It is one of the three major festivals in Kyoto and also one of the three major festivals in Japan.

The Gion Festival is said to have originated in 869(1150 years ago), when 66 halberds and three portable shrines (3600kg each) were used to worship Ushito emperor, the god of war, in order to quell the plague and evil spirits that were spreading throughout the country.

I asked the locals to find a place where I could photograph the entire festival, but was unable to do so. Luckily, I was able to find the desired location at the time.I had originally planned to return to Tokyo that day, but I am glad I changed my plan on short notice when I heard about Omikoshi.

During the departure ceremony at Yasaka Shrine, the setting sun suddenly shone down on the Yasaka Shrine from the clouded sky, making it look very divine and mysterious.
It was as if God was blessing the event for the first time in four years.

I was moved by the fire festival at Nachi, and was again impressed by the traditional Japanese festival and the enthusiasm of the men.





#hellofrom #kyoto #japan


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