カタリーナ・ドゥニのインスタグラム(catalinadenis) - 7月22日 21時42分

Dreaming of flying, is the song… Como une hormiguita🐜
My mother was in front of me while I was flowing on this video… She said something that caught my attention, she said I looked like a little ant making my way to the posture… Little by little, consciously, very focused and light at the same time, with a deep sense of DISCIPLINE and FREEDOM, altogether… And there is this moment where it gets really challenging and the mind wants to go crazy and say « oh you know what? Forget this! » and give up, and at the same time, there’s the soul and heart beating and softly singing BREATHE, STAY, TRY… so I listened… everything stops, no more questions, no more agitation, just… BLISS & FLOW✨✨✨
What a huge learning experience. 🌟Again and again, LIFE IS YOGA IS LIFE. ☺️ She brought this light onto the fact that YES!! That IS THE WAY I aim AND THRIVE to live my LIFE.
To walk and work little by little, DAY by day, ACTION by action, STEP by step, WORD by word, BREATH by breath in my journey on this lifetime. Towards what? Towards more and more freedom, more and more love for myself so that I can be and live more and more in love with YOU… more and more peace and space in myself so that I can then create and share my creation from the depths of my soul with every single soul that may be open to receive what I create.
Feeling incredibly grateful for all this understandings, for all this learnings that I can share here with you.
My love and deepest gratitude to all of you 🙏

Joy, Light&LOVE
Catalina Femme Médecine


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