National Geographic Travelのインスタグラム(natgeotravel) - 6月13日 06時13分

Video by @katieorlinsky | In 1924 the Gila Wilderness, in New Mexico, became the first designated wilderness area in the United States. Where the Rocky Mountains end and the Chihuahan Desert begins, the Gila Wilderness encompasses desert, grasslands, pine forests, 10,000-foot mountain ranges, and one of the largest still undammed rivers in the American West, the Gila. Since 2021, I’ve returned to the region time and time again, exploring its 870 square miles of rugged country on foot, by mule, and on horseback for this month’s cover story. I got to know Becky and Ysabel Campbell, who own the Gila Hot Springs Ranch and goat farm on the edge of the wilderness, just in time for baby goat season. I embarked on a 10-day backcountry horseback trip with Nat Geo writer Peter Gwin and Nat Geo producer Brian Gutierrez led by Joe Saenz, a Chiracahua Apache guide, activist, and educator. He shared stories by firelight about the famous Chiracahua Apache warrior Geronimo, born and raised along the headwaters of the Gila River. I hiked and camped by myself for the very first time, encountering elk in the high country, seeing trout in the river, and making a new black bear friend. And I looked for mountain lions with legendary houndman Nick Smith and his highly skilled, extremely adorable scent hounds. One dictionary defines “wilderness” as “uncultivated, uninhabited, and inhospitable,” but after spending time with the wonderful people and animals that call this special place home, I know that the Gila Wilderness is none of those things. Read more at the link in bio.


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