NASAのインスタグラム(nasagoddard) - 5月4日 23時52分

Lions and tigers and black holes, oh my!

Whether out in the universe or right here at home, it’s important to keep your eyes peeled for the hungry things you might encounter. This #BlackHoleWeek, we’ve created a handy guide to help you determine if what you’ve found is a black bear…or a black hole.

Video Description:
00:00 Pan down over evergreen trees against a blue sky.
00:06 A black bear laying in a sunny field flies into the top half.
00:06 An artist’s concept of a black hole, with a swirling accretion disk of pink light, emitting a white jet flies, into the bottom half.
00:11 The words “Black Bears vs. Black Holes” appear.
00:12 Fade to black. The word “Diet” fades on.
00:13 Split screen with a black bear eating leaves and fruit from a tree on the top.
00:19 The bottom half is an artist’s concept of a black hole in space. A yellow star is pulled in toward the black hole, stretching it into a long beam of light.
00:29 Fade to black. The word “Naps” fades on.
00:30 Split screen with a black bear flopping onto grass and chewing something in its paws.
00:41 The bottom half is an artist’s concept of a black hole and accretion disk. From the first angle, it looks like an orange circle surrounded by a flat plane of orange rings. The animation tips toward the camera, revealing a swirling orange donut.
00:50 Fade to black.
00:51 The words “Better from a Distance” fade on.
00:52 Split screen with a young black bear backing down a tree trunk in the top.
00:56 The bottom half is an artist’s concept of a black hole moving across a field of stars and galaxies. The black hole is a flat black disk, surrounded by distorted light.
1:07 Fade to a Hubble image of a nebula, with blue clouds near the top, fading to brown to burgundy near the bottom.
1:08 Fade to a picture of a flat expanse of Yellowstone hot springs, with stripes of tan, orange and white along the ground.
1:11 Split screen with a black bear walking among trees at the top. The bottom is a visualization of a black hole, a dark void in the center of a pink accretion disk. The black hole is accompanied by a white star with its light being sucked into the black hole’s accretion disk.
#NASA #NPS #Space #Bears


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