NASAのインスタグラム(nasagoddard) - 11月22日 01時44分

Do you need a fancy degree to do NASA science? Nope!

We’ll tell you how you can help make discoveries for NASA right now from home this week on NASA’s Curious Universe podcast!

Tune in:

Video description:
0:00 Man wearing headphones talks to camera.
0:25 NASA’s Curious Universe logo appears full screen. The logo is an illustration of a navy blue circle with a logo in the center that reads “NASA’s Curious Universe” in white letters with stars in the upper left and bottom right. Surrounding the circle, there are panels of shades of alternating reds and blues with red icons floating.
0:27 Back to man with headphones, speaking to camera.
0:52 Man swats imaginary mosquito from his arm.
0:54 NASA’s Curious Universe logo appears full screen and flips to NASA podcasts logo.

#space #citizenscience #donasascience


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する





