ジェマ・アトキンソンのインスタグラム(glouiseatkinson) - 4月26日 20時44分

Ain’t giving up on you little man! My priority in this ever changing body since I saw that positive pregnancy test.

Todays session from @hatch_athletic fellow mum, pre and postpartum coach and woman’s health physio so all pregnancy approved for me.

3x 12 each leg landmind curtesy lunge

4 rounds of
12 tricep push-ups
20 Calf raises
10 banded pull apart

Then into 4 rounds of
400m bike
21 kb swings
10 trx rows

Finished with my usual stretch routine. Normans favourite bit as he gets to lick the sweat off me 😂
Wasn’t up to much a few days ago as little fella decided to lay transverse & back to back which wasn’t the comfiest at all. It wrecked! However, I listened to a 30 min podcast on all fours doing gentle rocking & moving and gravity did it’s thing and thankfully flipped him! The discomfort subsided and the kicks were back to being low as apposed to upwards so I’ll be thanking him for that what he arrives. I had my checks as well on Monday with my midwife Rach and my bloods and water samples came back spot on 👌🏽 Perfect she said! As well as my blood pressure and resting heart rate. All the stuff that makes me happy 😊 Any mum to be im sure will agree that every day there’s always a little “please make sure we’re both ok” thought. So the reassurance always settles that for me ❤️


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