タロンガ動物園のインスタグラム(tarongazoo) - 4月19日 12時00分

Taronga’s Rubbish Run is back, so join us next month in picking it up to protect wildlife – while getting fit 🐢💚🏃‍♀️

Marine debris and rubbish pollution are big threats to Australia’s unique wildlife, and we are treating more and more animals that have been impacted by rubbish in our Taronga Wildlife Hospitals 😓.

Prevention is always better than cure, so simply picking up litter has a huge impact on wildlife 👏

To take part, you simply sign to Taronga Rubbish Run as an individual or get a team together. You choose the date in May to join our one-week challenge – and you can also choose to fundraise for Taronga’s Wildlife Hospitals. Ask your family, friends and colleagues to support your challenge and your commitment to wildlife through a donation. And then, every day for 7 days, get out, get active and get plogging (picking up rubbish while jogging) to protect wildlife!

To find out more about Taronga Rubbish Run and how to sign up, link is in our bio!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



