クエストラブのインスタグラム(questlove) - 4月17日 10時36分


So a GIANT part of my story w the #RhythmOfTime book was getting over my fear of kids. (I avoided many a “hey Quest come talk to my kids” moment after a harrowing scenario at a school in Philly in 2001 when at a Q&A someone asked me if I “knew REAL famous people like André 3000”


——I mean what can I say: kids & old people don’t have filters like we do. Too honest. So basically creating this series was a challenge & im about practicing what I preach. So of ANYTHING I’ve created….a kids book is no doubt at the top of the pile in “changing the narrative” in facing my fear.

I was talking about this fear w someone who knew me for a long time who reminded me I used to run to the tv and turn the volume down (what was a “mute button” in 1978? 🫣)——when game shows would have creepy “we’ll give you a few seconds” interstitial music breaks (Jeopardy—written by #MervGriffin btw was happy—-hearing this at 7 yrs old? NOTSOMUCH)——at first I was like “I don’t remember doing that”

But the second I looked these up on YouTube maaaaan: ((((((((((👀))))))))))))

Was I the only one who was creeped out about these interludes?

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