のインスタグラム(cheeserland) - 3月19日 10時37分

【The Feather Robe】

One of the most famous Noh plays is “Hagoromo” (羽衣), based on the well-known folk tale of the encounter between a fisherman and a celestial maiden dressed in a feather robe. The legend took place in Miho-no-Matsubara Pine Grove, Shizuoka Prefecture.

Tazaki san showed me the actual kimono and mask worn by the “shite” (main character) for the Hagoromo Noh performance.

Understanding the Noh mask in itself is another deep quest, but what is so fascinating about it is that since it is difficult to tell the actual feelings expressed through the mask, it is relied on the highly skilled performer to imbue the mask with emotions. One of the techniques is to tilt the mask slightly up or with very minute movements.

To me, Noh is an extremely delicate art form emphasizing on stillness that requires the audience to feel with their heart, as opposed to most modern entertainments that entice audience with extreme dramatization of action-packed thrills and exaggerated emotions to sustain the dopamine rush, which leaves us feeling numb once it wears off.

I think it is exactly the right time we bring back ancient art forms where we can be enriched spiritually.



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