カタリーナ・ドゥニのインスタグラム(catalinadenis) - 3月15日 17時59分

The tunnel…Let’s face it… Sometimes life feels like a tunnel, doesn’t it? All dark and difficult, and you can’t seem to find your way out..?
Well, this is my reminder to you, beautiful soul, you don’t need to worry about the darkness cause YOU ARE THE LIGHT!
Please believe it! You have absolutely EVERYTHING it takes to go trough ANY SITUATION life throws at you!
Nothing, absolutely nothing happens against you my love, EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR YOU!! For your growth, for you to discover, to get back in touch with the absolute power that you are on this earth!
The unspeakable beauty of the univers resides in you my sweet angel!

So, when it feels dark and heavy and difficult, when you feel like giving up… STOP 🛑 …. just take a few seconds, a few moments, close your eyes, breath deep and… LET IT GO… go back INSIDE YOURSELF. It’s all good. Keep on going.
Breath, and you’ll see how with every breath, calmness, steadiness, alignment and center, they all come back. YOU COME BACK to that space in you that KNOWS that everything is, EVERYTHING WILL BE JUST FINE.

Joy, Light&LOVE



>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



