NASAのインスタグラム(nasagoddard) - 1月12日 05時02分

NASA’s Parker Solar Probe recently touched the Sun! Why didn’t it melt? 🌡☀️

Heat isn’t the same as temperature, so even though the Sun’s corona is 2-3 million ℉, the plasma it's made of is loosely packed, so very few particles actually make contact with the spacecraft. For the same reason, when you wave your hand inside an oven that is 400 ℉, you don’t immediately burn yourself. The air in the oven might be that temperature, but not much of that heat transfers to your hand.

Parker also has a heat shield that reflects sunlight off of the front of the spacecraft and keeps the back cool and a cooling system that circulates the solar cells to prevent overheating!

During Parker’s eighth orbit around the Sun, the spacecraft flew through structures in the corona called streamers. This movie shows that data from the WISPR instrument on Parker Solar Probe.

The Wide-Field Imager for Parker Solar Probe (WISPR) is the only imaging instrument aboard the spacecraft. WISPR looks at the large-scale structure of the corona and solar wind before the spacecraft flies through it. About the size of a shoebox, WISPR takes images from afar of structures like coronal mass ejections, or CMEs, jets and other ejecta from the Sun. These structures travel out from the Sun and eventually overtake the spacecraft, where the spacecraft’s other instruments take in-situ measurements. WISPR helps link what’s happening in the large-scale coronal structure to the detailed physical measurements being captured directly in the near-Sun environment.


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