ATSUSHIさんのインスタグラム写真 - (ATSUSHIInstagram)「#atsushizm 昨日の真夜中にキャプテンの奥さまからパニック状態で電話が入り、 "ツッシー、健二さんがアナ、アナ、アナフィラキシーショックみたいになって、大変なことに…" と泣きそうな声で連絡が入った…。  数週間前にアニサキスが胃の中にいて蕁麻疹が出ていたらしく、昨日お寿司を食べた時にアレルギー反応なのか、拒否反応なのか、血圧が上が60台まで下がり、立っていられない状態になり、自分でアナフィラキシー用の注射を自分のモモに刺し、そのまま救急車で緊急搬送…。  寝る準備をしていたボクは急いで着替えてキャプテンの家に向かったけれど、幸運にもMossがすぐに電話に出てくれて、ボクより先に到着してくれた。  そのままMossが救急車にキャプテンと乗り込み、ボクはタクシーで奥さまを拾って病院に向かった。  着くとすぐにモスから血圧は110くらいまで戻ったと。  タクシーの中でも、ここ最近の状況を聞いて、アレルギー反応でのアナフィラキシーだと分かって、症状が落ち着けばとりあえずはなんとか大丈夫かもと、少しだけ肩を撫で下ろした。  病院の緊急搬送の窓口には、夜中にもかかわらず、このコロナ禍でも神妙な面持ちで家族を待っているであろう方が、医師の判断を待っているような光景だった。  本来新型コロナウィルスで会えない可能性がある中、奥さまが "この子たち息子なんです‼︎" と堂々と言われた時は、さすがに本当に息子になった気分だった。  奇跡的に最後中に入ることができて、とりあえずは薬で眠らせてて症状も落ち着いたとのことで、ふっと一安心した。 朝起きたらLINEも返ってきたし、とりあえず検査終わったら退院とのこと。  キャプテンと同じ歳の知り合いの会長さんも癌になったりと、もうボクが出逢ったころのキャプテンとは明らかに違う。ボクも今までのような酒の飲み方に付き合わせるつもりもないし、これを投稿することで、バンドメンバーのみなさんや、お知り合いなど周りのみなさまのご協力を承りますようお願いしたくて、あえて投稿させていただきました。  オヤジ、頼むよ。 まだまだ生きてもらわないと困るからさ…。  I received an SOS call from Captain’s wife last night saying , Kenji is suffering a severe allergic reaction “Anaphylactic shock”  Several weeks ago he had Anisakis infections and last night after eating sushi his upper blood pressure went down to 60, he could barely stand up, so he self-injected an Epipen and after that the ambulance arrived.   I was ready to go to bed but I jumped out and headed to his house. Fortunately, Moss picked up my call right away and arrived there before I did. Moss went on the ambulance with Captain and I headed to the emergency ward with his wife.  When I arrived Moss told me that his upper blood pressure went back to around 110 and I was relieved.  There were other people sitting  patiently in the emergency ward and with the covid-19 situation it’s very difficult to even see the patient but Captain’s wife told the doctor that we were his son’s.At that moment I felt as if I was his real son!  Luckily we were able to go inside the room. By then he was sleeping in bed. He texted me this morning saying he feels better and that he’ll be out anytime soon.   Day by day we age, I’m going to be extra careful when I invite Captain for drinks. To all the band members, and to all the people that know him, please keep an eye on him and watch over him」2月10日 16時44分 - exile_atsushi_official

ATSUSHIのインスタグラム(exile_atsushi_official) - 2月10日 16時44分

昨日の真夜中にキャプテンの奥さまからパニック状態で電話が入り、 "ツッシー、健二さんがアナ、アナ、アナフィラキシーショックみたいになって、大変なことに…" と泣きそうな声で連絡が入った…。







本来新型コロナウィルスで会えない可能性がある中、奥さまが "この子たち息子なんです‼︎" と堂々と言われた時は、さすがに本当に息子になった気分だった。




I received an SOS call from Captain’s wife last night saying , Kenji is suffering a severe allergic reaction “Anaphylactic shock”

Several weeks ago he had Anisakis infections and last night after eating sushi his upper blood pressure went down to 60, he could barely stand up, so he self-injected an Epipen and after that the ambulance arrived.

I was ready to go to bed but I jumped out and headed to his house. Fortunately, Moss picked up my call right away and arrived there before I did.
Moss went on the ambulance with Captain and I headed to the emergency ward with his wife.

When I arrived Moss told me that his upper blood pressure went back to around 110 and I was relieved.

There were other people sitting patiently in the emergency ward and with the covid-19 situation it’s very difficult to even see the patient but Captain’s wife told the doctor that we were his son’s.At that moment I felt as if I was his real son!

Luckily we were able to go inside the room. By then he was sleeping in bed. He texted me this morning saying he feels better and that he’ll be out anytime soon.

Day by day we age, I’m going to be extra careful when I invite Captain for drinks.
To all the band members, and to all the people that know him, please keep an eye on him and watch over him


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




