ATSUSHIのインスタグラム(exile_atsushi_official) - 5月17日 18時43分

このたびはEXILE ATSUSHI、2023年 夏の高校野球応援ソング/「熱闘甲子園」テーマソングを担当させていただく事になりました‼️


実はこのお仕事のお話をいただいたのは、去年のPOWER OF WISH〜願いの力〜のツアー真っ最中で、2022年から構想を練っていたお話でもあります。

現状ボクはこんな状態で、ツアーも延期になり、応援してくださる皆さんに心配をかけてしまっています。#HIROSHIMAミライバトン はイベントへの出席は断念する形になってしまいましたが、楽曲は奇跡的にその前に完成。今回の高校野球の楽曲は歌詞を書き終えているような状態でした。





日本中に、今年の熱い夏の "フォトグラフ" が胸に届くと嬉しいです♬


I’m proud to announce that EXILE ATSUSHI myself, has been selected as the 2023 Summer High School Baseball Support Song / “Netto Koshien “ theme song!

And also, the highlight of this song is the collaboration with the Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra’s horn section!

I received this offer during last years POWER OF WISH tour and we’d been working on it since.

Regards to my condition, I’ve postponed several shows as well as the #HIROSHIMA Mirai Baton event but luckily I had finished this song before the incident.

After the incident, the first month I was mostly laying down on my bed and recording using voice memo on my cell phone.
What kept me going was the passion and my feelings towards the high school baseball players.
Even though I can’t stand in front of the crowd now , and even though it took me three whole days to finish the recording, I felt responsible for delivering a song that would support the players in any kind of way.

To all the high school baseball players and their crew.
And to all the families and friends that support them.
To all boys and girls with dreams
And of course, to all EXILE fans.

I hope this song “Photograph” brings an extremely HOT summer to all of you!!
Jun 14th 2023, out!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




