Paige Hathawayのインスタグラム(paigehathaway) - 1月26日 05時46分

Weekend photo/video dump. 🤍

It’s been nice to get tucked away in the mountains for a few days! Here is a little recap of things I haven’t posted. Presley was pretty good on the flight to Colorado. Although I must admit: traveling with a 1 year old is no joke. 😳 I don’t know how someone does it alone. Luckily the flight was about half full so we got a whole row to ourselves and could spread out a bit. She’s just so busy it’s hard to get her to sit still for a long period of time.

I was kind of nervous bringing Presley to the cold where we had to bundle her up but the only time she cried was when we had to bring her inside. We had to break up her outside time into short increments because she wouldn’t leave her baby mittens on (plus they weren’t water proof = mommy fail) Does anyone have any good recommendations for gloves / mittens for a 1 year old that are for the snow? I do enjoy a break and quality time with my family so much but I also long for my routine after a few days of being out of it! Is anyone else like that? #familyvacation #colorado #travel #snow


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