シャウナ・コックジーのインスタグラム(shaunacoxsey) - 1月2日 05時27分

Ok. So this doesn’t look like much but I’ve been trying to match this hold with my foot on for 7 YEARS and I did it for the first time TODAY!

Ned built this board 7 years ago. This was the last move of the first boulder he set. The feet are so bad they are almost vertical and it requires SO MUCH tension to climb on. So sometimes I climb keeping my feet on and not just jump around. Every session I do the same warm up climbs keeping my feet on every move until the match. Every session my foot pops just as I get my second had to the hold. But not today! YES!! 🤯


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




