タラ・リピンスキーのインスタグラム(taralipinski) - 1月1日 08時18分

2020 - what the heck man. I’m ready for you, 2021. 🎉 🌈 2020 was full of loss for everyone but I have been reflecting on the good moments and lessons it brought. 👏🏻 1. Lessons from Dublin. He was diagnosed with 2 cancers, lost a leg and has been going through chemo the entire year. And he has taught me so much just by watching him live his life in the moment. Perspective is so powerful. I love seeing him wake up every day wagging his tail and embracing his life without limitations. (technically he is more limited but he doesn’t know it. He could care less he has 3 legs.) I love watching him tackle all the things he always has without a moment of doubt. Go DUBS! 🥰 2. Again much loss this year but Sully was the perfect addition to our family. His youth, vibrancy and unique Flat Coated craziness and personality has brought us so many smiles and laughs. He is our first dog together!!! @toddkap (And boy is Todd a good daddy. He goes above and beyond to take care of these guys. No matter how much sleep Sully took from him he is always up first when one of them needs us. Plus I smile every time I hear him talking sweet to them even after they have been terrors) These dogs and my TK have made 2020 better. #bye2020 #newpup #oldpup #bringon2021


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