ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 1月1日 05時53分

Happy Blursday! Now quit doomscrolling, grab a quarantini and please keep social distancing.

Imagine explaining that sentence to yourself in December 2019.

2020 has given us scores of new words, phrases, expressions and metaphors. Some are new to the popular vernacular, like quarantine pod, while others are just newly relevant after long histories as specialized terms, like contact tracing. Some are technical, like super-spreader event and aerosol droplets; some are packed with cultural meaning, like systemic racism and panic shopping; and others still, like maskne and walktails, are just goofy little turns of phrase that let us find a drop of joy in this disastrous year. But all of them serve a purpose in these most uncertain times.

Swipe through for some of the words and phrases that defined this year — and add your favorites to the comments below.

Tap the link in our bio for the full list of 20 words and phrases we think capture what it felt like to be alive in this unprecedented year of our quar, 2020.


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