サイモンとマルティナのインスタグラム(eatyourkimchi) - 12月29日 07時09分

In case you need to hear it: yes, some days just suck. They SUCK but it’s okay to feel low. Last night I subluxed/dislocated my right shoulder just sleeping and awoke to a lovely nerve pinch 🔥 if I had to describe it, the pain feels like it is on fire, and it just doesn’t stop 🤷🏼‍♀️ So I was PUMPED full of adrenaline and couldn’t fall asleep. This is a very average week in the life of someone with hEDS #ehlersdanlosawareness OK SO MARTINA: Options: 1) wire up on coffee and feel super w e i r d then make sure you overdo it and collapse
2) chill and accept it. This is your life challenge, and every one 👏🏼 ALL OF US 👏🏼 have a different challenge we must face. But you what? I know I can get through it. Doesn’t mean the day doesn’t suck. But I know it isn’t like this forever. What have y’all been doing to #buildaladder ?


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