サイモンとマルティナのインスタグラム(eatyourkimchi) - 11月13日 03時35分

We’re having unusually warm weather in Toronto, so it has made walking outside and exploring in November a lot easier. I’m checking out the artwork in The Annex, a neighbourhood in Toronto 📷 Winter is coming and with it, chilly days and nights, so if you can, talk a stroll and soak up the Vitamin D! (Question for those of you with hEDS/POTS: in the last few years the cold has drastically affected me 🤔 If I start to get cold, I first lock up (really tense muscles all over, all at once) and then I start trembling. If I don’t get warm ASAP, I’ll start hardcore shaking, teeth clench etc. It goes away after 5-10 minutes ONLY if I immediately get warm somehow. Has anyone else experienced this due to cold? 📝🤔


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