ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 12月28日 06時00分

Cecilia Duran, a New York City midwife, had Covid-19 when she was just 10 weeks pregnant with the baby she is pictured with here. “I was quarantining with my toddler, who was also sick, and my husband was trying to figure out his working from home situation in a small New York apartment,” she said. “It was complete insanity.”

For this week's @nytparenting column, @jessgrosewrites spoke to Cecilia and other medical worker moms on the Covid frontlines. Dr. Stephanie Whitener, an anesthesia critical care physician, has struggled with trying to convince her community in Charleston, South Carolina, to take the virus seriously. In March and April, Brianna Tremblay, an ICU nurse practitioner in New Jersey, came home from work every night and cried.

It's not all bad though. Tremblay said neighborhood moms stepped in and watched her kids when she lost child care: "I saw both the worst things in the world, and the absolutely most incredible outpouring of support in my entire life."

Tap the link in bio to read more, and use the comments to show support for a medical worker in your life. Photo by @ddrios


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