ジェマ・アトキンソンのインスタグラム(glouiseatkinson) - 12月9日 06時26分

Favourite part of the day. Smothered in coconut oil and lay in bed! I haven’t seen Gorks for 67 days now. To some that’s ages, to others it’s nothing. We all have different circumstances & situations. I get lots of msg from ppl asking how Ive coped juggling mum & work life alone. I try to read them all. Firstly, my family are close by and help me massively! Mias Nana & Grandad are incredible and I couldn’t do it without them. I’ve always been good on my own though too. That’s not to say I don’t miss Gorks, I miss him terribly & I can’t wait to have him home. But I’ve lived alone since I was 17, and since we met our jobs have always taken one of us away for a few wks at a time. I find what works for me is sticking to a routine that I know keeps me mentally strong. I train daily. Anything from weights to yoga to a 20 min stretch or dog walk. I eat foods that I know will give me energy & keep me going. You can’t pour from an empty cup, so it’s now more then ever I need to keep on top of “my schedule” to ensure I give my best self to Mia, norm & olli, and my work. I said from the start my 2 options are either let the time pass positively by being active, sticking to a routine & ploughing on. Or let the time pass feeling sorry for myself all over the place wallowing. Times gonna pass regardless so I choose to use it as best I can. That’s not to say I ain’t knackered on some days 😩 but I carry on because thats my situation. We can’t always control our situations, but we can control how we react to them, and I choose to react with happiness in knowing that I have someone to miss, that I have someone coming home to me soon 🥰and that my someone is doing what they love whilst helping to provide for us. I know from my DMs many parents do it alone full time, and to you guys, I salute you. Keep going! Do your little ones and yourself proud. You’re stronger than you think 💪🏼❤️


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