セロのインスタグラム(cyrilmagic) - 11月10日 09時38分

Throwback watching Redbelt by David Mamet. Ricky Jay called me up ages ago and said there’s a part in the script of a movie he’s going to be in that is looking for a half french and Japanese sleazy cruise ship magician. He then asked me if I knew any Anyone I could recommend. Lol. After auditioning for Mr Mamet in person, Ricky called me up 20 mins after I left his office welcoming me to the family. It was my first Hollywood film debut. This is the final scene I was in, sorry for the quality, I filmed my projector screen watching this last night. The magic your seeing was done for real. Not Hollywood magic. Had to come up with a way to make a black marble magically and visually turn white #redbeltmovie #davidmamet #rickyjay #chewetelejiofor


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