タッド・フジカワのインスタグラム(taddy808) - 10月12日 07時31分

Yesterday was #WorldMentalHealthDay and today is #NationalComingOutDay so I wanted to share this project that @getrealmovement put together last year. I was so honored to be a part of such an amazing group of LGBTQ people and allies.

Today, we recognize the pioneers that have fought for us so we can be out and proud; those who were visible before it was acceptable. Today, we celebrate our stories, struggles, and triumphs, together as a community.

A little over 2 years ago, I came out as gay. I was scared beyond words. But it was so worth it. I wouldn't have imagined to be living my truth and to feel so loved along the way. I've made some of the most beautiful friendships and being able to help others has been so gratifying.

Openly living your truth is one of the most courageous and inspiring things we can do as an LGBTQ person. Thank you to those who continue to be visible and representing our community.
To those who don't have the privilege to be out, be patient in your journey. Remember that you are loved, accepted and seen.
I encourage everyone to speak about their experiences and to be vulnerable and authentic. Keep encouraging each other and spreading love! 💜

@kristen_mckenzie @sleclair09 @natalienegrotti @laurengsundstrom @hbrowne24 @j3msings @levi_marshall


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