パイパー・カーダのインスタグラム(pippiphooray1) - 10月4日 04時03分

ONE MONTH UNTIL ELECTION DAY. friendly reminder to use the link IN MY BIO to REGISTER TO VOTE.

a few days ago, our current president refused to denounce white supremacists and/or their actions. as a “christian,” i wholeheartedly believe that refusing to condemn a group of people who continually terrorize already-systemically-oppressed population(s) goes directly against the thesis of the bible to “love one another.” i believe that what we can do to try to best live out this commission is vote a person into office that advances an environment of love and acceptance among and between all people. and if that’s not possible, settle for the next best thing. because no one should feel as if their lack of safety in this country is perpetuated by who is in office.

please register. please vote. and let all you do be done in love.


(edit: comments off because this is not a matter of debate, it’s a matter of what i believe. if you disagree, i respect if not encourage you unfollowing me.)


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