ショウン・トンプソンのインスタグラム(shaunt) - 10月3日 07時52分

5 things to stop right now... 🤚🏾🛑
1. Comparing yourself to others on social media.
2. Showing only your highest moments only on social.
3. Giving others permission to judge you.
4. Telling yourself how you are “supposed to look”.
5. Relying on social media to “beautify you” or make you “look better.”

Your body in the mirror does NOT have to look like someone else’s body in a filtered photo.

We have to practice more self-acceptance and less scrolling.

Out now on @trustandbelievepod is an episode dedicated to helping your mindset surrounding filters and social media. We’ve all experienced it at one time or another. You open your feed, and you immediately fall victim to comparing or wishing you had what he or she had. Tune in to Trust and Believe at the link in bio or where you get podcasts to listen!
#selfacceptance #liveyourlife #judgementfreezone #positivityonly #prioritizeyourpeace #podcast #trustandbelievepod #shaunt


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