アニー・スラスドーターのインスタグラム(anniethorisdottir) - 9月29日 23時24分

I have been very honest and upfront about everything on my social media and just because things aren’t going the way I expected them to does not mean I will stop sharing.  I think it’s important people see reality as well.  ⁣

Expectation and reality are not always close to one another. I had somehow imagined a few weeks of easy training and then pick it up right where I left off. Well, that’s not exactly what happened. I had my baby 7 weeks ago and when I look down, I still have a belly. I am not saying that I am not okay with the way that I look, but having been in sports my whole life, I have never seen or felt my body this way, so this feels very different to me. ⁣

It’s the weirdest feeling in the stomach after you give birth. There is still a small pregnancy belly but completely soft and empty while organs are moving around trying to get back to place.  ⁣

Even though it is not going at the speed I want, I know I will get there.  I have put my body though a lot through the years and I need to be patient and give it time to heal up and recover.  ⁣

I realize that my body will most likely never look like it did before and I am ok with that, but my passion to be the best version of myself, both for me and for the people I care about has not changed. Not at all. So I will do everything in my power to shape my body and mind to the standards that I set and get STRONG again, the standards that I know will help me be the best possible me. ❤️

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