エイミー・デビッドソンのインスタグラム(amy_davidson) - 9月27日 02時26分

Falling. It’s scary. But you know what? We gotta pick ourselves up, brush off the dirt and keep going. I think I’ve been afraid of falling my entire life and as I was running today I realized how much it’s a dominant thought. As I run through the canyon I’m trying NOT to fall, when we went skiing over New Year’s last year the entire time I did everything possible NOT to fall. I missed out on the gorgeous scenery and mainly the experience of skiing because I was so focused on NOT falling.

When I was maybe 7 or 8 I remember falling at school as I was running off of the sandy playground onto the cement. It was so slippery and this one time I lost my balance and fell very hard. I cut up my hands and my knees and it didn’t help that all of the kids kept running past me. There were no teachers visible to come to my aid. I remember being so embarrassed, in so much pain and not wanting to peel myself off the ground. Hmmm. Interesting memory. Anyway, what’s the worst that could happen? You get some cuts, at worst you break a bone or several? Of course that’s not ideal😳 but cuts heal and so do broken bones. Anyway, here I go rambling… I guess this is the beginning of Redhead Rambles. 😘


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